Code of Conduct
FYLA Code of Conduct
By agreeing below, the registered player and parents or guardian have read and have agreed to abide by the US Lacrosse and FYLA Code of Conduct. As an adult involved with a team as coach, manager, or involved in any way with FYLA lacrosse, you are also agreeing to abide by the Code of Conduct.
Individuals participating in FYLA Lacrosse events that fail to abide by this code will be subject to ejection and disqualification from future lacrosse events. Thank you for your help in promoting these principles. Players, coaches, spectators and parents are to conduct themselves in a manner that "Honors the Game" and demonstrates respect to other players, coaches, officials and spectators. In becoming a member of the lacrosse community an individual assumes certain obligations and responsibilities to the game of lacrosse and its participants. The essential elements in this "Code of Conduct" are HONESTY and INTEGRITY. Those who conduct themselves in a manner that reflects these elements will bring credit to the sport of lacrosse, themselves, their team and our organization. It is only through such conduct that our sport can earn and maintain a positive image and make its full contribution to youth sports in Farmington. US Lacrosse and FYLA support the following behaviors for those participating or involved in any way with youth lacrosse:
- The essential elements of the "Code of Conduct" must be adhered to.
- Sportsmanship and teaching the concepts of fair play are essential to the game, and must be taught and developed both at home and on the field during practices and games.
- The emphasis on winning should never be placed above the value of good sportsmanship, the concepts of fair play, or the skills of the game.
- Derogatory comments are unacceptable. Use positive reinforcement with players and adults alike. It should be remembered that criticism, once made, can never be retracted.
- The safety and welfare of the players are of primary importance.
- Players, coaches and adults involved with the game must refrain from violence and using foul language in any form, at all times.
- Players must demonstrate courtesy and respect for all athletes, spectators, coaches and playing facilities, regardless of the association.
- No bullying on the field or outside the field. Bullying is when someone repeatedly and on purpose says or does mean or hurtful things to another person. Bullying, like other disruptive behavior, is conduct that interferes with a player's ability to learn, train, compete, and a coach's ability to develop players into a cohesive and successful team. FYLA has ZERO TOLERANCE for all types of bullying.
- Coaches must always be aware of the tremendous influence they have on their players. They are to strive to be positive role models in dealing with young people, as well as with adults.
- Coaches and adults involved with the game will not permit, encourage, or condone behaviors that are dangerous or demeaning to a player, coach, official, volunteer, or spectator.
- Officials are expected to conduct themselves as professionals and in a manner that demonstrates courtesy and fairness to all parties while exercising their authority on the field.
- Adults involved with the game must never permit anyone to openly or maliciously criticize, badger, harass, or threaten an official. To do so is a violation of the rules of the game and must be considered unacceptable conduct. The coach must quietly and privately address all concerns to the officials at the appropriate time as defined by the rules; and if deemed appropriate, place in writing to the official's assigning authority any significant problems with the officiating.
- Knowledge of the Rules of Lacrosse must be respected and adhered to by all who participate in the game of lacrosse, both in the letter and the spirit of the game. Attempts to manipulate rules in an effort to take unfair advantage of an opponent, or to teach deliberate unsportsmanlike conduct, is considered unacceptable conduct.
- Eligibility requirements, such as age and previous level of participation, must be followed. They have been established to encourage and maximize participation, as well as promote safety.
- Any player, parent, coach, or spectator whose conduct at ANY point in the season does not abide by our code of conduct; may be removed from all or part of a game (players), be asked to leave the field/event/practice, or be suspended or removed from the team and the FYLA for serious offenses. Final determination of disciplinary action will be made by the Farmington Youth Lacrosse Association Board. ALL complaints, incidents, problems will be sent to an FYLA Board Member in writing for appropriate action.

USA Lacrosse Code of Conduct
Players, coaches, officials, parents and spectators are to conduct themselves in a manner that "Honors the Game" and demonstrates respect to other players, coaches, officials, parents, spectators and fans. In becoming a member of the lacrosse community an individual assumes certain obligations and responsibilities to the game of lacrosse and its participants. The essential elements in the USA Lacrosse "Code of Conduct" are HONESTY and INTEGRITY.
The full USA Lacrosse Code of Conduct can be found on their website.