Become a coach
- Become a US Lacrosse Member: Create an account on uslacrosse.org as a coach. For coaches with players, use the same account that you created for your player, just add yourself as a coaching member. Fee is currently $55 and is reimbursed by FYLA for completing your duties as a coach. Go to http://www.uslacrosse.org/ and click on JOIN.
- Take the Fundamentals of Coaching Boys' Lacrosse-Level 1 or Fundamentals of Coaching Girls' Lacrosse-Level 1 online for free with US Lacrosse membership. Download a copy of your Level 1 completion certificate from the transcript menu option and submit with reimbursement form. https://learning.uslacrosse.org/#/dashboard
- Chapter 1 - Fundamentals of Coaching
- Coach Development ~30 minutes
- Player Development ~ 1 hour
- Team Development ~ 1 hour
- Chapter 2 - Diversity and Inclusion ~ 10 minutes
- Course Evaluation
- Complete the HEAD UP concussion training video presented by the CDC ~ 1 hour. Follow the this link and click on Launch the HEADS UP Course. Download your certificate and submit with the reimbursement form. https://www.cdc.gov/headsup/youthsports/training/index.html
- Complete and submit a reimbursement form along with the invoice for US Lacrosse registration and course certificates.
- Once the certificates are received, we will send you a link to register for a background check. Background checks are submitted through SportsEngine. Complete the registration form online for background check and accept the coaching code of conduct.
- PCA CERTIFICATION: Positive Coaching Alliance Double-Goal Certification is an additonal required item for any head coached in the MSSLax (Girls) league. The document linked below describes the expectations for a double-goal coach. http://www.positivecoach.org/pdffiles/coach_job_description.pdf