Code of conduct
Your position within the Farmington Youth Lacrosse Association as a Head coach, Parent coach or High School assistant coach are dependent on you following the policy outlined below. As an Association we highly value and recognize the benefits gained from winning and losing. Your position now and in the future as coaches, does not depend on wins or losses but the overall development of the individual player and the team as a whole. Please read over the following conditions and if you have any questions contact your team’s directors before agreeing to these terms.
- I understand that I am a role model and must lead by example. I set the standard for acceptable behavior by exhibiting exemplary behavior at all times.
- I understand my actions, good and bad, reflect directly not only on myself, but also on the team, the Farmington Youth Lacrosse Association, and the community. An Association’s reputation is built on behavior, courtesy, sportsmanship, principles and playing ability.
- I understand that my first priority is the safety of the players assigned to my team. I will be on time for practices and games and will not leave an event, game or practice site until all of my players are with their responsible guardian or parent.
- I will notify the coaching staff if I will be late or unable to attend.
- I understand I am responsible for the proper behavior and conduct of my assistant coaches as well as my players, parents and supporters.
- I understand that the use of profanity, or vulgar language is unacceptable.
- I will be humble, generous and gracious in victory, courteous and dignified in defeat.
- I understand that at no time will I attend a practice, game or tournament under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- I understand I am not allowed to register a team for a tournament under the pretense of the Farmington Youth Lacrosse Association, without getting prior board approval.
- 1I understand that I am not allowed to have players rostered on other FYLA teams play in games without getting prior board approval.
- I understand that there are many players at different levels. At all times I will treat the players equally and work hard to develop the players that are not at the same level.
- I understand and agree to the playing time expectations set forth for each age level and will meet those requirements. Requirements are found in the Coaches Expectations document.
- I understand that I must have a current USALacrosse Membership and have a Bronze Level Coaching Certification.
- I have read and understand FYLA Coaches Requirements.
FYLA Three-Strike Policy
Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to ensure a safe, respectful, and sportsmanlike environment for all participants in the Farmington Youth Lacrosse Association (FYLA). This policy outlines the disciplinary actions for players, parents, and spectators who violate the USA Lacrosse Code of Conduct or the Farmington Code of Conduct.
1. Player Conduct: A strike may be issued for the following actions, but are not limited to:
- Any physical non-lacrosse related activity, specifically if it is in retaliation of any sort.
- Any derogatory language used toward a teammate, coach, parent, official, or opponent.
- Any unsportsmanlike penalties accrued within games or tournaments.
- First Offense: One game suspension.
- Second Offense: One week or two game suspension, whichever is greater.
- Third Offense: Dismissal from Farmington Youth Lacrosse for the remainder of the season. The player and family will need to meet with the FYLA Board for reinstatement.
2. Spectator Conduct: Examples of offenses that may result in a strike include, but are not limited to:
- Use of derogatory or offensive language toward players, coaches, officials, or other spectators.
- Physical altercations or threats of violence.
- Disruptive behavior that interferes with the game or tournament.
- Any form of harassment or intimidation.
- First Strike: One game suspension as a spectator.
- Second Strike: Two-week suspension as a spectator for games.
- Third Strike: Suspension as a spectator for all games for the remainder of the season. Reinstatement for the following season will be subject to board approval.
3. Implementation: These guidelines are subject to the final decision of the FYLA Board. The Board will not interfere with any disciplinary measures taken by Minnesota Youth Lacrosse, Great Lakes Lacrosse League, Minnesota Schoolgirls Lacrosse Association, and/or the lacrosse officials and referees associations.
4. Communication: The code of conduct is agreed upon by the player and guardian at the time of registration. Any further questions or concerns can be directed to the FYLA President.
5. Acknowledgment: We trust that all participants will understand the importance of upholding the values and standards outlined in the FYLA Player and Parent Code of Conduct. Your cooperation and compliance are greatly appreciated as we strive to maintain a positive and respectful environment for all participants.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.