Coaching requirements
General expectations
- We expect the head coach and coaching staff to be at 90% of all activities.
- We expect all coaches to have all league paperwork completed before they begin coaching.
- All coaches read and sign the Coaches Code of Conduct
- If you are a paid coach you must complete all of the coaching duties by year’s end to get paid.
- We understand that the (paid) head coach is the subject expert and that is why we are paying you, to improve our program and our kids. We ask that the head coach work with the parent coach in a 50/50 matter about issues outside of just the teaching aspects.
- We understand a parent coach's role (unless otherwise stated) is to support the (paid) head coach.
- All coaches should have a current USALacrosse membership and be Bronze Level certified. All costs will be reimbursed by FYLA.
Potential seasons for Coaches
- Box League (March - mid May)
- Spring League (April - End of May)
- Summer League (April - End of July): Preseason Training (April - mid-May)/Outdoor Practice & Games (mid-May - End of July)
- Fall League (September & October)
Preseason Skills Training (Schmitz-Maki Arena)
8U: 6 – 7pm, Monday & Tuesday
10U: 6 – 7pm, Monday & Tuesday
12U: 7 – 8pm, Monday & Tuesday
14U: 8 – 9pm, Monday & Tuesday
8U: 6 – 7pm, Wednesday & Thursday
10U: 6 – 7pm, Wednesday & Thursday
12U: 7 – 8pm, Wednesday & Thursday
14U: 8 – 9pm, Wednesday & Thursday
Summer (Farmington High School)
8U: 6 – 7:30pm, Tuesday & Thursday
10U: 6 – 7:30pm, Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
12U: 6 – 7:30pm, Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
14U: 6 – 7:30pm, Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
8U: 6 – 7:30pm, Tuesday & Thursday
10U: 6 – 7:30pm, Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
12U: 6 – 7:30pm, Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
14U: 6 – 7:30pm, Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
Spring League (Supplemental to Summer League)
All spring league teams will practice outdoors once a week when ISD 192 approves the use of their fields. Games will be played on the weekends in a double header format on either Saturday or Sunday.
Summer League Schedule (Outdoor Practices and Games)
8U will practice two times a week from 6:00 to 7:00. Currently we are holding practices Tuesdays and Thursdays. When games start we ask that if a game happens on a practice night you still only meet for the two times a week.
10U will practice three times a week from 6:00 to 7:30. Currently we are holding practices Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. When games start we ask that if a game happens on a practice night you still only meet for the three times a week.
12U & 14U will practice three times a week from 6:00 to 7:30. Currently we are holding practices Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. When games start, it will be the coach's discretion if a game happens on a practice night if you practice on Wednesday night. No practices on Friday or weekends unless approved by the board.
Indoor Box / Fall Leagues (Supplemental to Summer League) Currently there are no scheduled practices for indoor box and fall leagues, this can be added at coach or association discretion in the future.
Each team at each level will be given two Association sponsored tournaments depending on level and availability. Each team will also participate in their league's end of the season state tournament or jamboree. No coach will sign up for another tournament as a Farmington Youth Lacrosse Association team without Board approval.
- If a team wants to participate in additional tournaments, the parents would be responsible for dues.
- All team members/players must be invited to participate.
- If you cannot field a team from just your team, then you must open a request to all players from the other teams at your level. No player can be refused to play.
- If you still cannot field a team, then you cannot play, as no non-Farmington player can play on a team representing itself as a Farmington Youth Lacrosse Association team.
Play time and coaching
We will have an experienced coach as the head coach for each team. We also anticipate having one parent coaches and/or current high school varsity players to help as well.
We expect fair and equal playing time for all offensive and defensive positions. The goalie position is not for everybody, we hope that every player will try it once. We will not force anybody to play that position full time or any other position they are not comfortable with.
- 10U - The coach is expected to play kids at all positions.
- 12U - The coach is expected to try the kids at all positions for the first half of the season, then based on their expert opinion start to play the kids at a position they can excel in.
- 14U - By this level, athletes have begun to specialize in a particular position. Exceptions are made for those athletes that are new to the sport.
If the coach feels there are behavior, attendance or participation issues that will affect Page 3 Coaching Requirements and Expectations Revised: 06/2024 playing time, those issues will be discussed with the parent. If you expect that your team may be short players for a game, we ask that you follow these steps:
- Contact your team's directors.
- The director will work with the other team at your level coaches to create a fair way to request players to fill your roster.
- If you feel your team will be short players multiple times throughout the season, the team’s directors will create a fair rotation for the other team players at your level.
- Players are not allowed to move from an “A” team to a “B” team to fill roster spots.
- Players are allowed to move up age levels to fill roster spots when needed
Escalated issues
We as an association hope that all of our players and parents have nothing but a great time all season long. However, if you experience something that you feel needs improvement, we ask that you follow these steps in order.
- Bring the issue to the Girl’s or Boy’s Director who’s information can be found here on the board page.
- If you feel the issue was not resolved, contact the President or Vice President of Farmington Youth Lacrosse Association.

A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life!
Coaching is a calling, a commitment rooted in deeply personal reasons. Take a moment to reflect on why you chose to step up and guide the youth of Farmington on the lacrosse field. It’s not for financial gain or career advancement — those rewards aren’t on this path. But the wealth you gain as a lacrosse coach is immeasurable.

As a coach, you have the extraordinary opportunity to leave a lasting legacy. We encourage all of our coaches to be the one who truly see your players, valuing them as individuals and nurturing their growth as athletes and as people. Don't only focus only on the scoreboard, missing the chance to instill confidence, resilience, and a sense of belonging. At Farmington, we aim to inspire, uplift and to make a difference in our community, far beyond the field.

The bonds you build and the lessons you impart will shape these young athletes in ways that last a lifetime. Years from now, a former player may stop to say hello, remembering the impact you had on them. They might recall something you taught them — a skill, a mindset, or a piece of wisdom—and find it helping them navigate a challenge or achieve success.