Registration and refund policies
When a player withdraws from a program, we are left with an opening that was being held for that player and associated fees that may have already been spent for the player’s participation in the league.
We assume that when a player registers for the sport, that this is a commitment to the association. The association, immediately, makes financial and other commitments on behalf of the team. In some cases, we are buying needed equipment or uniforms and renting gym space or fields.
If a player is later given a refund, the financial burden of this refund then has to be covered by the association. Since we do not keep large cash reserves, this cost has to be passed on to current or future members of the association in terms of a special collection or higher registration fees.
In all fairness to all registered participants, we do not have to give any refunds. However, there are special and hardship situations whereby the board will be willing to give a full or partial refund.
Cancelled Registrations
If a player or parent cancels their registration within 3 business days of close of registration, the FYLA board will be willing to honor the refund request. If payment was made by credit card, we will withhold $7-$10 for the costs of handling of the web registration transaction.
If the FYLA board cancels a program completely, for example canceling a middle school team because the numbers are too low; then the board will offer full refunds to all players affected.
If a player has suffered a season-ending injury in the pre-season, during tryouts, or anytime prior to the first official game of the season; the board will be willing to give a full refund. If the season-ending injury was incurred in the 2 weeks following the first game; the board will be willing to offer a refund of 50% of the registration fees. No refund request will be honored if the injury has occurred later in the season; or if the injury is short and will allow the player back on the field with a week or two of rest and treatment. Player Withdrawals We understand that the sport of lacrosse may not be a fit for every child. If a player requests a refund a prior to the first official game, 50% of the registration fee will be refunded. No refund request will be honored after the first official game has occurred.
Fundraising Money
The association may ask players or parents to participate in mandatory fundraisers such as selling tickets to an event, selling candy or savings coupons, or other offers. In these situations the association may collect funds from the player in advance of the actual sales. These funds will not ever be refunded with a refund request. If the player simply sells their candy or coupons, they will naturally be reimbursed.
Refund Request Procedure
Parents or players requesting a refund must send a letter or email to the FYLA board president with copy to the FYLA treasurer. The email must include details of the circumstances whereby the refund is being requested. If it is an injury, we may also need supporting letter from a medical provider.
Because of the time critical nature of this refund policy, it is important that you please send your request for refund as soon as possible, before the end of registration, before the first scheduled game, or after your medical consultation.
Because of the financial nature of the requests, each refund request must be discussed at the next FYLA board meeting and voted on. As long as the request is in line with this refund policy, it is the FYLA intent to honor the refund request.
The refund will be processed soon after the monthly board meeting. The FYLA board believes this policy to be generous relative to other club sports. We also believe these best balances the interests of the players requesting a refund as well as those remaining in the program for the current year and for years to come.
-FYLA Board of Directors